Vital & Gesund

Forrest Yoga Workshops – mit Sita Menon

Buddha - wörtl.: „der Erwachte“

10 + 11 März

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Forrest Yoga Workshops – mit Sita Menon

Erster Workshop:

Forrest Yoga Workshop – Connecting to Self mit Sita Menon

These workshops are ALL-Levels and can be attending individually or together.

In this workshop, we will use the fundamental basic moves of Forrest Yoga to connect to our sense of Self. We will learn to use the felt sense of breath and sensation in our bodies to bring to the surface – our sense of ourselves, our sense of who we are and what we feel. We will work with staying present in the moment through the felt sense and exploring what arises in each moment on each plane – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The workshop will open with the Native American ceremony of calling in the Four Directions, followed by chanting and drumming. The asana practice will delve deep into the core and hips – connecting us to our center. The workshop will end with a yoga-nidra practice which will leave one feeling at home and grounded in one’s body

10. März 2018
13:30 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr

42 €

Bei Buchung beider Forrest Yoga Workshops, schenken wir dir 5 Yogaklassen für das Jahr 2018. So kannst Du deine Yogapraxis weiter vertiefen. Beide Workshops können auch einzeln gebucht werden!

Zweiter Workshop:

Forrest Yoga Workshop – Connecting Self to Community mit Sita Menon

These workshops are ALL-Levels and can be attending individually or together.

This workshop will focus on a grounded, heart opening practice that will help us soften to ourselves. From this place of softening around our hearts, we will feel for connecting to those around us and feeling into the power of community and weaving the web of connection. Despite the fact that so many of us experience deep isolation as human beings, we thrive when we connect with one another on a human level through our vulnerabilities – without the pretenses, masks and shields. This workshop will start with the Native American Four Directions Ceremony followed by a heart opening chanting and drumming. The practice will end with a nourishing yoga-nidra practice which will leave you more grounded in your humanity.

11. März 2018
13:30 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr

42 €

Bei Buchung beider Forrest Yoga Workshops, schenken wir dir 5 Yogaklassen für das Jahr 2018. So kannst Du deine Yogapraxis weiter vertiefen. Beide Workshops können auch einzeln gebucht werden!


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